With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray is one of the greatest books ever written on prayer. Now you can study prayer with this textbook. We have added to the book questions for review and for discussion. You may download the book and the questions free. Invite some Christian friends to study this course with you. Invite your family to join in this study.
You will learn the secret of believing prayer so you will receive what you ask. "Few books have had the impact on calling the church to prayer as Andrew Murray's classic With Christ in the School of Prayer," according to Dick Eastman.
We found this copy of the book in the Christian Classics Ethereal Library on the internet. We are grateful to this Library for having published this book. We are glad to pass it on to you.
Bible Prayer Fellowship has many helpful articles on prayer in the Free Prayer Resources Directory. We have additional helps available by email. To receive these materials send your name and email address to bibleprayerfellowship@gmail.com and also include your postal mailing address in case you ask for pamphlets we send by postal mail. Let us know if you are a pastor or prayer leader. We may be able to give special help to you. Please tell us if you are using With Christ in the School of Prayer in your church or some other group.