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Prayer Conference Highlights
Prayer Conference Highlights
Allowing Christ to Build His Church
How can we allow Christ to build His Church and still maintain responsible leadership?
Jesus Christ Obviously Present and Actively in Charge
Who is Christ and how does He minister in His Church!
Our Heavenly Father
How do we know that Christ is actively pastoring His church from heaven today?
The Fellowship
What is the Biblical solution to the conflicts that too often break out in the local church?
Subtle Substitutes for Jesus
How can our church grow madly in love with Jesus?
Eating the Bread of Life
What is the first and primary work, of the church?
First-Generation Christians
How can I lead my children to experience the power and presence of Jesus?
The Power of Praying Together
Why is corporate prayer strategic to God's power in the church?
The Forsaken Assembly
Why should a believer be intentionally in the corporate prayer life of his church?
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